Sunday, January 22, 2012

I am the captain of my soul - by Nelson Mandela - "Invictus"

Out of the night that covers me, black as the pit from pole to pole, I thanks whatever gods may be, for my unconquerable soul. 

In the fell clutch of circumstance, I have not winced nor cried aloud , Under the bludgeonings of fate, my head is bloody, but unbowed. 

Beyond this place of wrath and tears, looms but the horror of the shade and yet, the menace of the years finds, and shall find me, unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishment the scroll. I am the master of my fate - I am the captain of my soul. - dialogued by Nelson Mandela in the movie
"Invictus" (Picturised on Morgan Freeman)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Anger of Great People !!!

The most decorated Olympic athlete ever with 16 Olympic medals is Michael Phelps. He says, "Keep your comments coming. Make me angry. It makes me perform better."

He channelizes his anger to a 'sense of purpose'.

Thrown out of his own company, Steve Jobs was a broken man. There was great anger simmering inside him for he believed injustice had happened to him. His comeback to Apple and the heights they achieved, after his re-instatement, is the stuff legends are made of. I believe his comeback is the greatest comeback ever in corporate history. He too channelized his anger to a 'sense of purpose'.

On a visit to my parents in Chennai. Last evening, I was chatting with my father about the turning point in his life. He shared, it was when he was insulted by his cousin. Till then, my father used to be a satisfied nice guy. The insult fired him up. He became ambitious. He channelized his anger to a 'sense of purpose'. He became successful beyond our wildest imagination.

My mind runs to the scene in Richard Attenborough's all time classic film 'Mahatma Gandhi' when Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was thrown out of the train in-spite of a valid ticket. As the camera panned Gandhi's face (deftly played by Ben Kingsley), I felt his anger. For a few moments I could feel that anger becoming mine too. I felt like getting up from my seat, punching that TC on his face. I could feel the audience feeling that anger too. Gandhi however, did nothing like that. The way coal becomes diamond under pressure, in those moments I felt the regular Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (the coal) transforming into Mahatma Gandhi (one of the most precious diamond humanity has ever experienced). Without arms and ammunition, in a loin cloth and a stick, that simple man took on the might of the great British Empire and made them leave India. He too was driven by a 'sense of purpose'.

Martin Luther King Jr, the greatest social reformer in US, was distressed and angered by the atrocities on coloured people. He decided to wage a war against the injustices being carried out. His speech 'I have a dream...' is one of the most fantastic speech the world has ever heard. He united US and its people into 'one'. He too was driven by a 'sense of purpose'.

Cricketer Navjot Singh Sidhu was ridiculed by the media for his slow batting. His father had tears in his eyes as he read the scathing newspaper report. This greatly angered Navjot Singh Sidhu. He turned his game around and became the most devastating opening batsman around, for the rest of his career. He could effortlessly hit sixes and became the spectators' delight. He too was driven by a 'sense of purpose'.

India was not given the technology for nuclear power even after being promised. A few American counterparts laughed at our scientists when we reminded them about their promise. This greatly angered our team of scientists and we developed our own technology. Even today, we are one of the rare few countries in the world that has developed its own indigenous nuclear power technology. Those scientists too are driven by a 'sense of purpose'.

Spurned by his own wife, feeling humiliated and angry Tulsidas decided to prove his worth. He went on to write Ram Charit Manas, one of the greatest Hindu religious texts. He too was driven by a 'sense of purpose'.

Many path makers and path breakers have felt great anger because something greatly disturbed them. People like you and me too feel great anger when something disturbs us. You have deeply felt this anger sometimes, haven't you? I have !!! Sometimes when we have not got our due. Sometimes when things did not happen the way they should have happened. Sometimes at the way politicians loot our country. Sometimes when people allow themselves to be exploited. Sometimes when our loved ones mess up their life. Sometimes when people act irresponsibly.

Path makers and path breakers, do not waste their anger by screaming, shouting, threatening, ranting, destroying or damaging things. Nor do they waste their anger by hurting themselves or others. Nor do they waste their anger by self destructive acts and habits. They do not become raving lunatics because of their anger. They channelize their anger! They discover themselves because of their anger. They give a purpose to their anger. They lift themselves because of their anger. Their anger is like the sun that provides 'life'. Their anger gives them the awareness, focus and the drive to fix what is wrong.

Sometimes there is 'wrong' within. Sometimes the 'wrong' is in the world outside. May 'your' anger fix at least one 'wrong' anywhere. May you discover yourself in the process. Your own greatness awaits you...

Extracts by Naren from::
Life School :-) Lets Inspire Schools and Inspirational Training

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Columns I shared in the following 3 newsletters of BMA : Jan -Feb 2011, July- Aug 2010, May- June 2010

Student Testimonials :: Bangalore Management Academy, 2010

Pranay Oswal BMA

Pursuing business studies through an international MBA from BMA with its affiliated program from Edith Cowan University has certainly been a turnaround decision of my life. It not only imparted in me the much needed overall learning and development but also gave me enormous opportunities to think out of the box and enhance many other latent skills which I soon realized were my biggest strengths. The faculty at BMA are the best; chosen from the industry from varied disciplines with umpteen years of world class experience. I must particularly mention its library that is loaded with an excellent array of books, journals, case studies and online study material with 24*7 access to Harvard Business Review, California Management Review, Capitaline, Prowess, British Library and much more comprehensive study material through EbscoHost.

Pranay P. Oswal 
MBA 15

Bangalore students despair over deepening schisms in the country, Published: Thur, Sep 30, 2010, 8:44 IST By Vidya Iyengar- DNA | Place: Bangalore

As anxiety looms over the country on the eve of the pronouncement of the Allahabad high court verdict on the Ayodhya dispute, students in the city are hoping that sanity will prevail and people will live in harmony whichever way the judgment goes.
“Even though people from different communities have different values, it is important that they live together in harmony, by listening to everyone, reasoning it out and understanding and respecting each other’s religion,” 17-year-old student Priyanka Gupta says.
“It’s time we move away from orthodox ideas,” she feels. She says there are far more graver issues that need to be tackled like ensuring that every child gets to go to school instead of fighting over small issues like this.
Meera Nazer, a Plus-2 student, opines that the issue is of major concern and needs to be addressed immediately. “I will respect the verdict of the court, although I will be disappointed if it goes against Muslims. However, if satisfactory reasons are provided, I will reason and honour the decision,” she says.
“It is possible for Hindus and Muslims to live together in harmony. Even though we may address God by different name, I believe He is one. In that case why fight?” she argues.
"Pranay Oswal, a final year MBA student, believes that two religions with conflicting values cannot live peacefully together. “There are differences in food preferences. In that case, how can two religions with different value systems co-exist peacefully?” he wonders.

But putting off the verdict is no answer, he says. “We are a growing country and we are only maligning our image,” he despairs.
With the Commonwealth Games round the corner and millions of dollars at stake, he says going back in time to settle an issue like this is plain stupid. “We should work like corporate India and bring those policies into the governance of the country,” reasons Oswal."
Saranya Jayaram, a student of Kendriya Vidyalaya, does not want a repeat of the post-Godhra riots. “We are only accentuating the divide,” says the 17-year-old student.
Many students believe that the best solution to the issue is to set up a community asset like a community centre or a hospital or a shelter for the homeless at the disputed site in Ayodhya.

Singapore Report: Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia - for Bangalore Management Academy : 29th May, 2010 (BMA NewsLetter)

“Singapore – A Lifetime Experience”
6th of May, 2010. Bangalore Management Academy (BMA) had made all the necessary arrangements for Edith Cowan University (ECU) - Batch 15 to head for Singapore. The bus was arranged from the main campus and all the arrangements seemed to be in place systematically right from the beginning of the journey.
There were students varying from different disciplines, pursuing different specializations of their choice all set to leave for Singapore on Bangalore International Airport. We were accompanied by Prof. Rekha Hatkanagalekar, who’s heading the HR department in BMA. We were privileged to travel by the world’s No. 1 Airline, “Singapore Airlines”. It was an experience fueled with a terrific experience of superior service echelon with ingredients of royal luxury. Our accommodation was well arranged in Katong Tanjong hostel in Tanjong by BMA. We had our workshops and umpteen group of activities held at “Singapore Human Resource Institute” (SHRI), at the “VERGE”. We were privileged to be a part of this trip; especially on this particularly day primarily the 7th of May, 2010 because Singapore officially celebrates HR Day on this day and “SHRI” were the ones who started it.
Singapore is the financial capital of Asia which also happens to headquarter more than 7,000 Multi-National Enterprises (MNE’s). Singapore is the world's fourth leading financial centre and its economy is often ranked amongst the world's top ten most open, competitive and innovative in the world. The country is also a highly cosmopolitan World City, with a key role in international trade and commerce. Singapore has a diverse populace of 5 million people made up of Chinese, Malays, Indians, Asians and Caucasians of different ethnic origins. The populace of Singapore has the sixth highest percentage of foreigners in the world. 42% of the population in Singapore comprises of foreigners and foreigners make up 50% of their service sector. The country is also the second most densely populated in the world after Monaco. A.T. Kearney names Singapore as the most globalized country in the world in its Globalization Index.
Today, the port of Singapore continues to be amongst the top five busiest ports in the world. The World Bank ranks Singapore as the world's top logistics hub. Singapore is the fourth wealthiest country in the world in terms of GDP (PPP) per capita and twentieth wealthiest in terms of GDP (nominal) per capita. Regardless of Singapore's relatively small physical size, it has the world's ninth largest foreign reserves. Singapore Armed Forces is also the most technologically advanced and well-equipped in its region.
Prof. Irene Tay, a highly learned professional with immense subject matter expertise on various studies amongst which “Strategic Human Resourcing” was her forte, conducted the workshop at SHRI. She is also one of the senior most members in the Singapore government embassy who has represented the Singapore government on world labor issues on several international bodies. There was intense learning on strategic human resource by Prof. Irene Tay, as she had an inter-continental experience of more than 40 countries; representing as one of the senior most delegates of the Singapore Human Resource Fraternity. She covered many aspects of HR and she also facilitated the workshop with utmost facts and figures. She briefed us about many interesting areas like Soft HR, Hard HR. She also gave us a snapshot of sunrise industries and sunset industries in Singapore and also the seven most important industries which the government of Singapore is seriously focusing on. She also threw a beam on the issues of Strategic HR Planning, Strategic HR Policies, Unitarist V/s Pluralist way of working, Equal Employment Opportunities, Diverse Management, Human Business Development, Human Capital Management, Diverse Workforce, Foreign Talents, Japan, India and China national’s different demographic ways of doing businesses, Cultural hindrances, various theories of management like the Classical Management Theory, Classical Original Theory, Transitional Theorists, Behavioral Schools, Management Sciences, Integrative Approach, and TQM. She also threw light on (SKF) Skills Development Fund- Singapore, (TCLP) Total Company Learning Plan - Singapore, classic examples from Motorola University, McDonald’s Hamburger University, Sun Microsystems University, and constant country specific examples especially from China, India and Japan and other third country nationals. I personally enjoyed the sessions thoroughly conducted by Prof. Irene Tay the most as far as Strategic Human Resource and the overall learning in Singapore was concerned.
We also had the opportunity to visit Singapore and do site seeing as a part of the study tour. We visited Sentosa Island where we really enjoyed Song of the Sea thoroughly, which is one of the most beautiful and remarkable man made creations on earth; it was almost a movie showcased in 30 minutes on the seas with stupendous light effects and animation all live on the fountains. We also visited Palawan, Silosa and Tanjong beaches. As a part of the sight-seeing, we visited China Town, The Merlion Park and also the East Coast Park. Some of us also visited the Underwater World, the Night Safari and the most talked about thing lately in Asia – The Casino and Universal Studios.

It was an overall learning session loaded with lot of knowledge, fun and enthusiasm. Singapore helped me understand many management riddles and also encounter many unanswered puzzles. It was so far one of the best experiences I ever had and I proudly thank Bangalore Management Academy to give me this golden opportunity as it is one country which is small in terms of its geographical boundaries but all its resources were fully utilized effectively and with complete efficiency brilliantly. I was also thrilled seeing the overall compassion and gratitude of the people there. The amount of trust the government encompass on its citizens is worth appreciable as there were hardly any cops seen during our entire stay in Singapore. It was under complete camera surveillance. People there are always ready to help you and also approachable irrespective of the time, gender and place you are in. The culture was worth appreciating and highly educative for every foreign national. It was indeed a great experience and it wouldn’t be phony to say that the city teaches you more than what the degree teaches you.

- Pranay

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Never Quit ~~!!!~~

When things go wrong as they sometimes will;
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill;
When the funds are low, and the debts are high;
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh;
When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.

Success is failure turned inside out;
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt;
And you can never tell how close you are;
It may be near when it seems afar.
So, stick to the fight when you're hardest hit -
It's when things go wrong that you mustn't quit.......

20 Types Of Facebookers !!!

There are 20 types of facebookers:
1. over photo editors
2. extremely frequent status updaters
3. page likers
4. attention seekers
5. wall posters
6. Farmvillers
7. cars for profile picturers
8. depressing status updaters
9. spammers
10. swearers
11. constant status likers
12. stalkers
13. fake relationship statusers
14. inboxers
15. chatters
16. pokers
17. guys who take photos in mirrors
18. people who cant spell
19. song lyrics for status makers
20. overreactors

My all time favourite quotes

"My Determination Is Going To Take Me Where I Am Going To Be".
-Ram Charan

A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. -David Brinkley !!!

"I m a LOVER n Not a FIGHTER ......But I Will FIGHT for what I LOVE"..........................and if required even "WITH".


1. If you see children begging anywhere in TAMIL NADU, please contact: "RED SOCIETY" at 9940217816. They will help the children for their studies.
2. Where you can search for any BLOOD GROUP, you will get thousand's of donor address.,
3. Engineering Students can register in to attend Off Campus for 40 Companies.
4. Free Education and Free hostel for Handicapped/Physically Challenged children.
Contact:- 9842062501 & 9894067506.
5. If anyone met with fire accident or people born with problems in their ear, nose and mouth can get free PLASTIC SURGERY done by Kodaikanal PASAM Hospital. From 23rd March to 4th April by German Doctors. Everything is free. Contact : 045420-240668,245732 "Helping Hands are Better than Praying Lips"
6. If you find any important documents like Driving license, Ration card, Passport, Bank Pass Book, etc., missed by someone, simply put them into any near by Post Boxes. They will automatically reach the owner and Fine will be collected from them.
7. Special phone number for Eye bank and Eye donation: 04428281919 and 04428271616 (Sankara Nethralaya Eye Bank). For More information about how to donate eyes plz visit these sites.
8. Heart Surgery free of cost for children (0-10 yr) Sri Satya Sai Hospital Banglore.
Contact : 9916737471
9. Medicine for Blood Cancer!!!!
'Imitinef Mercilet' is a medicine which cures blood cancer. Its available free of cost at "Adyar Cancer Institute in Chennai". Create Awareness. It might help someone.
Cancer Institute in Adyar, Chennai
Category: Cancer
Address: East Canal Bank Road, Gandhi Nagar, Adyar, Chennai -600020
Landmark: Near Michael School
Phone: 044-24910754 044-24910754 , 044-24911526 044-24911526 ,
044-22350241 044-22350241
10. Please CHECK WASTAGE OF FOOD If you have a function/party at your home in India and food gets wasted, don't hesitate to call 1098 (only in India ) - Its not a Joke, This is the number of Child helpline.
Courtesy : Anu George Canjanathoppil's !!!

Canvas of my Quotes :-

A wise thought just flagged this midnight :- "If you become a soldier you would rather be a General. If you take the spiritual path, you shall rather be a Pope. Then it said:
.....Just listen to your heart. And the world would remember you as Pranay !!!

Career !!!

The biggest mistake that you can make is to believe that you are working for somebody else…The driving force of a career must come from the individual. Remember: Jobs are owned by the company, you own your career!
Earl Nightingale, M.

Work !!!

When you’re following your energy and doing what you want all the time, the distinction between work and play dissolves.
-Shakti Gawain

I like work; it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours.

Passion ~!~!~

  • Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you’ve got to say, and say it hot.
– D.H. Lawrence, English Novelist (1885-1930)

24 to 27 years is definitely not an easy age to Deal with. - An attempt to put sum broken thoughts together.

Pranay Oswal
24 - 27 years is not an easy age to Deal with - I tell you why... your closest friends are getting married, You thickest buddies are shuttling away from your city, Your career has just begun, Elders treat you as an unproven theorem, College guys feel that you are too old to be a part of their Jingbang anymore... Seems you have started enjoying both POGO & news channels at any given hour. You can no longer eat whatever you wish without putting on those extra calories. Technically, you look like an ape if you don’t shave every day. You are not invited for weekend sports matches . Every Aunty in the neighborhood asks “Shaadi kab kar rahe ho beta !!!” whereas every uncle you encounter asks “Career ka kya socha hai Beta…”.. When the reality is that you are just riding the wave of life and going with the flow of it… You have all the confidence in the world but very little on paper you have, any grand milestone achievement to display; You already have the first hand experience of the life, you know that whatever you have been taught about the world in schools has been a sheer waste of time. You have realized that no B-School ever teaches how to buy BULLS**T from people around you. You can be denied a job even after passing the test and you could be given a job if you know someone positioned up high enough… Politics till now was a dirty word but now you feel it is become a culture everywhere. You know now that love is not available Blind anymore, and that friendship has its definite terms and conditions to share. You know there is nothing for granted and free lunches will never be free… Your over-confidence is now making way for a humble conscience. . You now know it is not exactly what we thought it would be…But simply give it an Hug & say "Just Be -it -how -it -Be"................A stolen attempt to put some broken thoughts together
To be continued.............................................:-)