As anxiety looms over the country on the eve of the pronouncement of the Allahabad high court verdict on the Ayodhya dispute, students in the city are hoping that sanity will prevail and people will live in harmony whichever way the judgment goes.
“Even though people from different communities have different values, it is important that they live together in harmony, by listening to everyone, reasoning it out and understanding and respecting each other’s religion,” 17-year-old student Priyanka Gupta says.
“It’s time we move away from orthodox ideas,” she feels. She says there are far more graver issues that need to be tackled like ensuring that every child gets to go to school instead of fighting over small issues like this.
Meera Nazer, a Plus-2 student, opines that the issue is of major concern and needs to be addressed immediately. “I will respect the verdict of the court, although I will be disappointed if it goes against Muslims. However, if satisfactory reasons are provided, I will reason and honour the decision,” she says.
“It is possible for Hindus and Muslims to live together in harmony. Even though we may address God by different name, I believe He is one. In that case why fight?” she argues.
"Pranay Oswal, a final year MBA student, believes that two religions with conflicting values cannot live peacefully together. “There are differences in food preferences. In that case, how can two religions with different value systems co-exist peacefully?” he wonders.
But putting off the verdict is no answer, he says. “We are a growing country and we are only maligning our image,” he despairs.
With the Commonwealth Games round the corner and millions of dollars at stake, he says going back in time to settle an issue like this is plain stupid. “We should work like corporate India and bring those policies into the governance of the country,” reasons Oswal."
Saranya Jayaram, a student of Kendriya Vidyalaya, does not want a repeat of the post-Godhra riots. “We are only accentuating the divide,” says the 17-year-old student.
Many students believe that the best solution to the issue is to set up a community asset like a community centre or a hospital or a shelter for the homeless at the disputed site in Ayodhya.
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